Simple Strawberry Syrup | Moore Cookin'

Simple Strawberry Syrup

Simple Strawberry Syrup | Moore Cookin'

Helpful for this recipe: Syrup Bottles & Mesh Strainers

Kyle’s grandmother makes the absolute best fruit syrups that I’ve ever tasted. She will jar all kind of syrups each year (cherry, strawberry rhubarb…mmm SO good) and has shelves of this deliciousness in storage.

Relatives that live nearby pour this syrup all over their pancakes or in milkshakes as if it’s no big deal. Those of us that are farther away and only manage to get a single jar every couple of years, however, treat each precious drop like a delicacy to be saved for special occasions…or those rough days that just demand a strawberry rhubarb milkshake at the end of them. You don’t have those days?

We haven’t managed to get our hands on one of those prized jars of syrup for a couple of years now, so we decided it was finally time to take a stab at making some for ourselves. Honestly, we didn’t even manage to wait for it to cool before topping our waffles with a little.

This strawberry syrup was so easy and quick to make. We’re already dreaming up other syrups to try as different fruits come into season. Blueberry syrup anyone? Syrup making is a dangerous skill to acquire…


  • 2 cups strawberries (cleaned, hulled & quartered)
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup white sugar


  1. Stir water and sugar in a saucepan or pot over medium-high heat until sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add strawberries and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil for 12 minutes.
  3. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 12 minutes more or until strawberries are soft and sauce has thickened.
  4. Pour sauce into a strainer over a bowl to catch berry pieces and leave you with the syrup.
  5. Pour syrup into a bottle and refrigerate until ready to use.
  6. Feel free to enjoy that leftover fruit on a piece of toast in the meantime. It’s delicious. You’re welcome in advance.


  1. I’m super curious on what method she uses to can it? Do you know? I have a pressure canner and all the stuff to do it, just chicken to try it!! lol Love your blog!

    • Thanks Jamie! We’re actually planning to call Kyle’s grandmother soon to beg for her exact recipes and how she preserves them. She’s in good health (thankfully) but we want to make sure the family syrup tradition is carried on! I’ll keep you posted on what we learn!

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