Games for 2-5 Year Olds

The hubby and I have been enjoying board games together since our days of playing on the floor of our college dorm rooms. We have always imagined playing games with our kids and decided  that this summer was the perfect time to start our family game night tradition. We have had so much fun exploring games with our kids (currently ages 2 and 5) and wanted to share a few of our favorite games for little ones.

A few of our favorites:

Think Fun Roll & Play

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This was the perfect first game to introduce. No game board – – just a large die to roll and action cards for the color you land on. This game isn’t competitive at all and is a great way to start teaching how to take turns during games.

Pancake PileupPancake Pile Up Game

In all honesty we have not actually played the Pancake Pile-Up game using the instructions. This game has been amazing for our kids though. We usually draw a pancake shortstack card and then have the kids each try to plate their pancakes in the right order.

Matching Games

Classic matching games are always fun for a quick game to boost their memory skills and learn a little patience with taking turns.

Pop the Pig

Pop the Pig Game

Pop the Pig is one of the newest additions to our game collection. A family friend recommended it this summer as a fun game for young kids to play together. Very simple and easy instructions and if you can get past the slightly creepy look of the pig and his ever expanding belly, your kids will have a blast!

Raccoon RumpusRaccoon Rumpus

Absolutely love Raccoon Rumpus! Such a cute game with fun illustrations and easy to follow instructions. At two, kids can easily play with the help of a parent or older sibling. By three our son was excited to play and could handle himself and all of the rules on his own.

Don’t Rock the Boat

Don't Rock the Boat Game

Don’t Rock the Boat was a great game to start understanding balance and consequences. These pirate penguins and their ship have even been snuck into our playroom for play time.

With two littles at home all afternoon each day this school year, we will definitely be incorporating more interactive games into our daily routine.

What games do your little love to play? Let us know in the comments below!

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