Our Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!  So our Thanksgiving didn’t quite go as planned…

Ugh. I’m a little tired of saying “things didn’t go as planned” lately. I know that the logical thing to do would be to just stop myself from creating plans in the first place…but I really just can’t help myself. I’m a super-planner and always have been. Look around our house, car, my purse and you’re bound to find a list of mine hanging around. [end tangent]

Anyway…we were SO excited to have almost all of our family over to our new (rental) home in Alabama. And with all that family in town, when would be a better time to take a few family pictures? On our way to take said pictures our little family (Kyle, me, and Baby D) were involved in a head-on collision. We were driving down a two-lane highway and a woman from the other lane drove across the yellow line and hit us head-on. We still don’t know what caused her to do such a thing. Our car is gone, but thankfully we are still here. We are feeling very blessed.

Needless to say a car accident, ambulance trip to the ER, bruises, whiplash, pain meds, etc. are not the best way to start a holiday. I ended up not being able to cook at all with my stirring arm wounded. Thank goodness for moms because the food was still Dee-licious!

thanksgiving food


Our Menu Included:

  • Herb Roasted Turkey & Gravy
  • Plain Dressing
  • Sausage Cornbread Stuffing
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Sweet Potato Casserole (yes, the kind with marshmallows on top)
  • Broccoli Cheese & Rice Casserole
  • Green Beans with Toasted Almonds
  • Granny’s Homemade Hot Rolls
  • Cranberry Sauce (canned because I was told that if “it doesn’t have ridges, it doesn’t count”
  • Jello with Raspberries (another must-have for the hubby’s family)
  • Apple Pie
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pecan Pie
  • Bluebell Vanilla Ice Cream (simply THE best)

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